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Tucker Max Success

This quote from Tucker Max resonated:

“People who succeed are worried about input. People who don’t succeed are worried about output.” 

Success is hard to define, but what he’s saying is that success is a side effect of quality learning. It’s being more concerned with what data or information you injest – and loving the process of injesting it – than trying to put out endless streams of content. Poor content, begging for attention. 

Bad data in, bad data out. That’s what analysts say. If you focus on improving the hygiene of the data you put in, then your work will improve dramatically in the output. 

Last year my friend busted my chops for not having enough to show for all of my learning and brain hacking efforts. Six months later I can say that immediate results aren’t the goal. The process of learning is the goal, any other growth is the inevitable side effect. 

Quote from Tucker Max on James Altucher, March 2017.

Published inJames Altucher Podcast NotesLearn

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