Charles Poliquin
- If you want to be ahead of the game in your field, learn source material in native languages.
- Taught himself how to read before school.
- Cooking: Key to good chilli is multiple meats, blended.
- Get rid of stretch marks and loose skin – herb: gotukola – use it twice a day for six months, and overnight it disappears then. Or get the cream and do it for 2-3 months.
- Unusual beliefs: he’s not scientific. Clinical experience beats studies. By the time a study is done, there are decades or centuries of field work already in existence. Waiting for research is waiting for a lagging indicator.
- raver man test. Find out your dominance in fitness. Know yourself.
- Be your own lab rat.
- 30g of fish oil per day helps with fat loss. Improves brain function -> more energy used by body? Cap it at 6 months.
- Omega 3 is super important for alleviating any condition.
- Book: bad science. Checklist manifesto.
- Most people drink too many carbs, eat too many of the wrong carbs. If you’re healthy, stick to around 40% carbs. But, be your own Guinea pig.
- Magnesium good anti aging nutrient.
- good for finding sports doctor
- The length of time the doc spends with you on first visit is best indicator.
- TF – When doc responds definitively to a single blood test, bad sign.
- Average testosterone levels have decreased 1% per year since the 1950’s (?)
- We have a hundred times more stress and radiation than our grandparents – suppress test.
- DHA sulfate – molecule of motivation. Taking test with low levels of this can kill motivation.
- – common household items that skyrocket estrogen levels. Only certified organics for body products.
- Checking your phone frequently can lead to dopamine dependence, and the lack of social media gratification leads to stress levels similar to a soldier at war.
- Foam rolling is a waste of time as a warm up. Leads to more muscle scarring.
- Would remove cardio equipment for warm ups.
- Core work on unstable surfaces is ineffective, according to the research. Strengthen your core with square, deadlifting, pull ups.
- Warm up by building up to the weight. Optional, do a 1 rep set over your working weight, then go back down for the working weight.
- Suppress cortisol immediately post workout – do so through insulin sensitivity.
- Many people are intolerant to whey without knowing it. Try goat whey.
- Pentacarb post workout if sub 10% bf
- Biggest mistakes to fat loss – steady state cardio, low fat diet.
- Develop insulin resistance by cutting quick carbs, cortisol (stress, caffeine)
- Book: 59 seconds Richard Woseman- challenge typical self help advice. Book: the one thing.
- First and foremost, block out time for the fun things! Critical for mental health.
- Give to others what you want to receive. If you want money, donate money to help someone else.
- Winners always have a growth mindset.
- Entertraining – training to keep people happy, but with no real goals.
- Strength training cute women helps with fat loss.
- Crossfit tries to accomplish too many things at once. Olympic lifts for reps is bad for you.
- Kettle bell swings are a direct route to a herniated disc.
- The goal of all weight lifting is to lift the most weight in the most vertical way. Safest way to lift. And the more Horizontal the bar, the more, the harder it is to lift the weight.
- Maximum strength on a plant based diet is impossible.
- Front squat is optimal squat because it’s almost impossible to cheat.
- Increase T by lowering cortisol. High zinc, Hugh protein, lots of quality meat. Sleep quality. Sleep in a super dark room.
- Magnesium – all people tend to be low.
- 100 MG a day of zinc for first time users.
- If you want to study success, study Winston Churchill.
- Wake up super early to have time for yourself.
- Comic books – fun way to learn a foreign language.
- Don’t sacrifice your breakfast. Meat, fish or eggs for breakfast. You’re better off with steak or sardines than crap like French toast.
- “Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgement.”
- Book – life 101 – Peter McDowell. Do the 20 minute exercise first and foremost.
- Simplify your life for a better quality as much as possible. Go on vacation. Lock that out ahead of time.