A few foodie Notes from NY:

- I didn’t want to write about this, because I don’t believe in the gluten free madness (if you’re not actually a celiac). But those damn Pancakes at The Little Beet Table are taunting my memory, daring me not to write about how good they were. My girlfriend told me this place was great, but conveniently forgot to mention that it was gluten free (knowing my radical political stance on the matter). So I was suckered into brunch there, and the Ricotta Pancakes didn’t taste like… cardboard… they were… Amazing! Fluffy and shockingly fulfilling, hippocricy never tasted better. What next, a vegan joint?
- Two things about a good Italian restaurant: 1) it’s more than just pizza and pasta, 2) it’s expensive. Peasant restaurant in SoHo was definitely both. This place has a great ambience, old-country decor with a beautiful, huge wood stove in the kitchen, visible from the dining room. As is typical of me, I ate way too much. Dishes ordered were the Insalata di Stagione (ultra fresh seasonal veggies, a special nod to the sweet radish), Anatra (Roasted duck leg in bred crumbs, cannellini beans, duck egg … Very good!), Porchetta Arrosto (suckling pig, fingerling potatoes, greasy goodness), and the Veal Chop Special (huge bone-in chunk of meat, so satisfying). By the end of the meal, the only stuffed pig left in the place was me in my happy food coma.

- And a cooking note: if you are like me, and you have a special someone in your life who doesn’t really like eating leftovers the next day, then you need to start getting creative. I made baked salmon with leeks and parsley for dinner the other night (simple, satisfying). There was still fish leftover the next day, so drawing inspiration from ABC Kitchen’s Crab Toast with Lemon Aioli, I threw some salmon on a multigrain toast, a few drops of low fat mayo, some sea salt/ground pepper, lemon, and texted this image to my girlfriend: a minue later she texts “OMG, that looks amazing, save me a slice?” Operation get-her-to-eat-leftovers was a success.