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What if I told you that the last car you drove in – or the car you own – was engineered by someone who’s never driven a car in their life. Doesn’t even have a driver’s license.

If I said – describe the perfect car designer. Would your first criteria be; “has never driven inside of a car”?

It might be an unsettling thought. It just don’t feel right.
That has probably never happened, at least not with cars. Even the early car designers test drove their models. But it happens all the time with rockets.
Rockets are regularly designed and built by people that have never flown in a rocket, and it seems to work out fine. That thought doesn’t bother us as much. They’re probably even harder to make, and certainly more expensive. We’re betting big bucks on people that have never done a thing themselves.
Look at Elon Musk, who’s done both. He’s started a rocket company and a car company. He loves and drives cars daily, but he’s never flown inside of a rocket. Yet Tesla seems to struggle a lot more than SpaceX.
An interesting dichotomy.

Published inthought

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