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What can you learn from the people you hate? 

This is liberating. 

I just came across the worst blog in the world. Not only is homeboy a climate change denier, his writing style is annoying. Think: conceited bro discovers Internet. Think: self help guru who’s never needed help himself, because he’s just awesome. Phony Robbins. 

And he gets almost 10,000 visitors a month. 

This guy did me a huge favor. 

His content is terrible, but he draws the eyeballs. It’s good to know that I don’t need to be ashamed of writing that isn’t great either. 

It’s okay to promote and tell people about what I’m doing, without waiting for it to be perfect. It’ll never be perfect. Ideally it’ll be good enough. 

We learn the most from the people we hate. They shine a mirror on us that no one else can. 

Published inLearn

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