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Casey Neistat – October 27, 2015

10/27 Casey Neistat
  • Left mainstream movie career for self publishing through youtube.
  • Made the bike lane video. Massively viral – all he did was scratch his own itch with a frustration in his life.
  • Was given a big production budget by Nike to make an online promo. Instead took the money and traveled the world with it, filming his travels in the process. That video was his most successful clip and Nike loved it.
  • YouTube content only succeeds on originality.
    • Honesty + quantity
  • “the closest to the peak is when you want to give up the most”
  • It’s never the resources that determine your success. It’s how you use them.
  • Vlog to check: fun for Louis
  • Do what you believe in, even if it means not following the money.